Creating a poster
Artists, reveal your universe thanks to an original poster, handpainted with coffee.
For your shows, concerts, the release of your album, or a special announcement.
N.B. : Ces propositions sont indiquées à titre de référence.
Chaque œuvre est unique et nécessite une discussion en amont pour s’adapter au mieux à vos aspirations.
Small format
About 33x36 cm (11.8x14.2 in) on the paper, Instagram post size (4:5)
Simple composition
One or two reference pictures
Simple editing
Universe and style already defined by the images
1 person, simple background,writing and logo
2 people, simple background, writing and logo
Elaborate composition
Complex editing
Several reference images
Graphic research to recreate a universe
3 people, rearranged design and background, writing and logo
4 people, rearranged design and background, writing and logo
Large format
1 or 2 people, rearranged design and background, writing and logo
Several people, rearranged design and background, writing and logo
56x38 cm (22x15 in) on the paper. This format allows to create a whole universe and a very large amount of detail.
The possibilities are limitless!
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