Exhibitions and demonstrations
Robert Cochet exhibition room
Bourbon-Lancy (France)
March 18 - 26, 2023
The old medieval city welcomed my very first exhibition only dedicated to coffee painting, in a lovely setting !
I was delighted to be able to have interesting conversations with the visitors of all ages, who discover coffee art for the first time. The kids from the school village also came with their teacher, and were very excited to know they will have the opportunity to try coffee painting with me a few weeks later.
Some people even participated to my workshops to try by themselves. Thanks to them and the kids from schools for their enthusiasm !
Le 9 art et +
January 7 - February 4, 2023
One year and half after my first exhibition, "Le 9e art et +" decided to trust me again and welcome my artwork in the store.
The visitors remembered the pieces they already knew, but also discovered new ones !
I found back my seat at the entrance, where I made some paintings in front of an intrigued audience, who wanted to learn about the different techniques.
January 15 - February 20, 2021
Every year, the association CREAT from Cercy-la-Tour (Burgondy), organizes an exhibition gathering dozens of artists. I took part in it for the first time, with two coffee paintings : Peace at Versailles and the portrait of Camille Lou.
Finally, Versailles won the 2022 Municipality Prize !
I had the pleasure to meet colleagues and to discover their work. Thanks to CREAT for this opportunity !
July 29 - August 14, 2021
During summer 2021, I had the opportunity to organize my very first exhibition. It took place at the bookshop-gallery Le 9e art et + in Bourbon-Lancy (Burgondy, France).
I introduced several facets of my work, from coffee painting to watercolors and even colored pencil. During the second week, I also painted a few orders in front of the visitors, with whom I was able to talk.
I thank the members of the association for their welcome and their availability.